IMAGOgraphy is an encounter with oneself. The contemporary photographic medium of self-reflection with time spent facing a flood of images.
The IMAGO Camera, itself an interactive object d’art, is an analogue large format camera for life-sized self-portraits unique in the world. As photographer and subject coincide, the sitter becomes the author of his own image, the portrait a self-portrait.
IMAGOgraphy is a vigorous symbiosis between a distortion-free lens, a special Direct Positive Photographic Paper and a unique artistic photographic concept.
Large format photography, the portrayal of life in the format 1:1, this is the dream from the replay of reality as truth, that is the dream of photography as the witness of reality and truth. Imago adds the dimension of imagination to this dream, another dream. Peter Weibel, ZKM
The IMAGO Camera is a significant installation, being 7 meter long and 4 meter high, within which clients create their own full size self-portrait. The portrait is a truly unique analogue image – there are no digital records or analogue negatives. The photographic technic inside as well as the photographic paper is unique in the world and enables, within 15 Minutes, a black and white, life-size and full body portrait in a very high quality to be created. A huge Photo Booth for full body self-portraits and interactive media for artistic experience.
Clients include the general public, speciality groups, fashion exponents and individual artists all wishing to express themselves in this highly emotive and unique manner. The participant is in sole control of the process and has a truly personal encounter with photographic art. In these days of mass imaging with limitless capability to falsify the result a truly unique life size, full body portrait is a refreshing and revealing experience. The participant is truly engaged in the production of a stimulating work of art.
How does the IMAGO work? Stepping inside the camera body, you find yourself in front of a side-right mirror showing you in the position a photographer would see you. You become both photographer and subject combined. Choosing the moment, you push the trigger and 10 minutes later your life-size, high impact, black and white self-portrait is ready to take home. That this is possible is due to creative optics and a specially developed Direct Positive Photographic Paper. The latter is exposed by direct exposure to light and developed immediately. The photons of light from the image paint the picture on the media without intermediates of any kind.For Illy in particular, there are ways to appeal to an art and photography-loving audience and to create a work that captures the size of a single moment in a unique way.
Workshops on Request:
A visual and olfactory Experience
The Magic of Depth - A Closeup to BLACK&WHITE Photography