Eine sinnliche Welt ist eine bessere Welt - Sensory Wonderland - We like to inform, reform, deform, transform: Zeitgenössische Kunst & Synesthesia. Duft. Architektur. Design. We like to move - we like to breathe: Embodiment. Liquid Motion. Sensory Yoga. Meditation. We like to rise: Geruchstraining. Augentraining. Geschmackstraining. Hörtraining. Haptiktraining. Wir unterstützen Organisation und Einzelpersonen die Sinne kreativ zu nutzen, Vielfalt zu leben und positive Veränderungen zu bewirken.
„We have been educated to such a fine - or dull - point, that we are incapable of enjoying something new, something different, until we are first told what it’s all about. We don’t trust our five senses; we rely on our critics and educators, all of whom are failures in the realm of creation.“ Henry Miller